Normal Modes

aw: A Matlab code for computing normal modes based on Chebyshev approximations
(M. Dzieciuch/Scripps Institution of Oceanography)

amodes: A Matlab code for computing normal modes based on Numerov’s method
(B. Dushaw/APL, Univ. of Washington

Couple: a coupled normal-mode code
(R. Evans)

KRAKEN normal mode program

(updated 6 July 2018)

MOATL MOdal Acoustic Transmission Loss program
(F. Ingenito, S. Wolf, J. Miller/Naval Research Laboratory)

NLayer Pedersen-Gordon underwater sound propagation-loss program

NMPQ: Uses the P-Q description of the bottom reflection coefficient; these represents slopes of the magnitude and phase of the reflection coefficient.
(E. C. Shang,
 Z. D. Zhao,
Key Laboratory of Underwater Acoustic Environment, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Science

Numerov Mode Code: A demo code using the Numerov finite-difference scheme.
(B. Dushaw, Applied Physics Laboratory, U. Washington)) (new August 2015)

rimLG: A Legendre-Galerkin code for calculating normal-modes (here's the zip file)
(R. Evans) (updated December 2016)

WKBZ: Based on a uniform WKB approximation to the modes
(R. Zhang, National Laboratory of Acoustics, Institute of Acoustics, Chinese Academy of Sciences)


Contributions or questions on this section?

Contact: M. Porter