#ifndef _sf_getpar_h #define _sf_getpar_h #include "_bool.h" #include #include "simtab.h" void sf_init(int argc,char *argv[]); /*< initialize parameter table from command-line arguments >*/ bool sf_getint (const char* key,/*@out@*/ int* par); /*< get an int parameter from the command line >*/ bool sf_getfloat (const char* key,/*@out@*/ float* par); /*< get a float parameter from the command line >*/ bool sf_getdouble (const char* key,/*@out@*/ double* par); /*< get a double parameter from the command line >*/ char* sf_getstring (const char* key); /*< get a string parameter from the command line >*/ bool sf_getbool (const char* key,/*@out@*/ bool* par); /*< get a bool parameter from the command line >*/ bool sf_getdoubles (const char* key,/*@out@*/ double* par,size_t n); /*< get a float array parameter from the command line >*/ #endif