program ramclr c c Version 2.0 c c This code creates color TL plots from the output of RAM. The c Postscript plot file is The subroutines emulate c subroutines from the DISSPLA graphics package. The input flags c provide options for color or grayscale, overlayed contours, c a color bar, and the number of colors. In many cases, nice c results can be obtained by using approximately ten colors. c This version contains improvements developed by Ed McDonald that c allows the output to be displayed with xv and reduces the c size of the output file. c real tl(1000,1000),xb(100),yb(100),vhue(1000),vten(1000), > zb(1000),xc(100),yc(100),rb(1000) INTEGER argc,dirLen,inLen,outLen,resLen CHARACTER input*1024,output*1024,directory*1024,resultat*1024 argc = IARGC() IF (argc .GE. 1) THEN CALL GETARG(1,directory) dirLen=len(directory) DO while(directory(dirLen:dirLen) .eq. ' ') dirLen=dirLen-1 ENDDO IF (directory(dirLen:dirLen) .EQ. '\\') THEN dirLen=dirLen+1 ENDIF ENDIF IF (argc .GE. 2) THEN CALL GETARG(2,input) inLen=len(input) DO while(input(inLen:inLen) .eq. ' ') inLen=inLen-1 ENDDO IF (input(inLen:inLen) .EQ. '\\') THEN inLen=inLen+1 ENDIF input=directory(1:dirLen) // input(1:inLen) inLen=inLen+dirLen ELSE inLen=len('') + dirLen input=directory(1:dirLen) // '' ENDIF IF (argc .GE. 3) THEN CALL GETARG(3,output) outLen=len(output) DO while(output(outLen:outLen) .eq. ' ') outLen=outLen-1 ENDDO IF (output(outLen:outLen) .EQ. '\\') THEN outLen=outLen+1 ENDIF output=directory(1:dirLen) // output(1:outLen) outLen=outLen+dirLen ELSE outLen=len('tl.grid') + dirLen output=directory(1:dirLen) // 'tl.grid' ENDIF IF (argc .GE. 4) THEN CALL GETARG(4,resultat) resLen=len(resultat) DO while(resultat(resLen:resLen) .eq. ' ') resLen=resLen-1 ENDDO IF (resultat(resLen:resLen) .EQ. '\\') THEN resLen=resLen+1 ENDIF resultat=directory(1:dirLen) // resultat(1:resLen) resLen=resLen+dirLen ELSE resLen=len('tl.line') + dirLen resultat=directory(1:dirLen) // 'tl.line' ENDIF open(unit=1,status='old',file=input(1:inLen)) open(unit=2,status='unknown',file=output(1:outLen), & form='unformatted') c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' enter flags:' write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' icol (0=grays, 1=colors)' write(*,*)' ictr (0=without contours, 1=with contours)' write(*,*)' ibar (0=without color bar, 1=with color bar)' write(*,*)' ncol (number of colors)' write(*,*)' ' read(*,*)icol,ictr,ibar,ncol c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' enter delr (km) and delz (m)' write(*,*)' ' read(*,*)delx,dely c write(*,*)' ' write(*,*)' enter tlmin, tlmax, dtlbar (dB)' write(*,*)' ' read(*,*)tlmin,tlmax,deltl write(*,*)' ' dtlctr=(tlmax-tlmin)/float(ncol) c if(icol.eq.0)then sat=0.0 ten=0.0 dten=1.0/float(ncol-1) do 1 i=1,ncol vhue(i)=1.0 vten(i)=ten ten=ten+dten 1 continue c else sat=1.0 hue=0.0 dhue=0.75/float(ncol-1) do 2 i=1,ncol vhue(i)=hue vten(i)=1.0 hue=hue+dhue 2 continue end if c read(1,*) read(1,*) read(1,*)xmax read(1,*)zdum,dz,ndz,ymax read(1,*) xmax=xmax*0.001 c nb=1 3 read(1,*)rb(nb),zb(nb) rb(nb)=rb(nb)*0.001 if(rb(nb).lt.0.0)go to 4 nb=nb+1 go to 3 4 rb(nb)=xmax zb(nb)=zb(nb-1) c par1=1.0 par2=float(ncol)/(tlmax-tlmin) c read(2)ny nx=1 5 read(2,end=6)(tl(j,nx),j=1,ny) nx=nx+1 go to 5 c 6 nx=nx-1 dx=xmax/float(nx-1) dy=ymax/float(ny-1) call ngrid(tl,nx,ny,tlmin,tlmax,dtlctr) c call comprs call area2d(6.0,4.0) call xname('Range (km)') call yname('Depth (m)') call frame call graf(0.0,delx,xmax,ymax,-dely,0.0) c c Color between the contours in each pixel. c fa=-1.0e15 fb=tlmin+dtlctr ihue=1 hue=vhue(ihue) ten=vten(ihue) call hwhsi(hue,sat,ten) call kolor(tl,fa,fb,xc,yc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,ihue) do 7 ihue=2,ncol-1 fa=fb fb=fb+dtlctr hue=vhue(ihue) ten=vten(ihue) call hwhsi(hue,sat,ten) call kolor(tl,fa,fb,xc,yc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,ihue) 7 continue fa=fb fb=1.0e15 ihue=ncol hue=vhue(ihue) ten=vten(ihue) call hwhsi(hue,sat,ten) call kolor(tl,fa,fb,xc,yc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,ihue) c call hwhsi(0.0,0.0,0.0) c c Draw the contours. c if(ictr.eq.1)then tlc=tlmin+dtlctr 8 call contr(tl,tlc,xc,yc,nc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy) tlc=tlc+dtlctr if(*dtlctr)go to 8 end if c c Draw the bathymetry. c call hwhsi(0.0,0.0,0.0) c call thkcrv(0.02) call curve(rb,zb,nb,0) call endpl(0) c c Draw the color bar. c if(ibar.eq.0)go to 11 call rearea(6.0,0.2) call xname2('Loss (dB re 1 m)') call frame call graf2(tlmin,deltl,tlmax,0.0,1.0,1.0) c yb(1)=0.0 yb(2)=0.0 yb(3)=1.0 yb(4)=1.0 c dtll=(tlmax-tlmin)/float(ncol) tll=tlmin+0.5*dtll do 9 j=1,ncol tl(1,j)=tll tll=tll+dtll 9 continue i=1 c j=1 xb(1)=tlmin xb(2)=tlmin xb(3)=tlmin xb(4)=tlmin jhue=ifix(par1+par2*(tl(1,j)-tlmin)) if( if( c 10 j=j+1 xb(2)=xb(2)+dtll xb(3)=xb(3)+dtll c if( xb(2)=tlmax xb(3)=tlmax hue=vhue(jhue) ten=vten(jhue) call hwhsi(hue,sat,ten) call shade(xb,yb,4,90.0,0.0,1,0,0) yb(1)=yb(1)+1.0 yb(2)=yb(2)+1.0 yb(3)=yb(3)+1.0 yb(4)=yb(4)+1.0 go to 11 end if c ihue=ifix(par1+par2*(tl(1,j)-tlmin)) if( if( if(ihue.eq.jhue)go to 10 c hue=vhue(jhue) ten=vten(jhue) call hwhsi(hue,sat,ten) call shade(xb,yb,4,90.0,0.0,1,0,0) xb(1)=xb(2) xb(4)=xb(3) jhue=ihue go to 10 c 11 call hwhsi(0.0,0.0,0.0) call endpl(0) call donepl c stop end c c Add a perturbation when a contour passes through a grid point. c subroutine ngrid(tl,nx,ny,tlmin,tlmax,dtlctr) real tl(1000,1000) iseed=1999 eps=sqrt(tlmin**2+tlmax**2)*0.0001 c tlc=tlmin+dtlctr 1 do 4 i=1,ny do 3 j=1,nx c 2 diff=tl(i,j)-tlc if(diff.eq.0.0)then c tl(i,j)=tl(i,j)+eps*(1.0-2.0*ran(iseed)) tl(i,j)=tl(i,j)+eps*0.57713 go to 2 end if c 3 continue 4 continue c tlc=tlc+dtlctr if(*dtlctr)go to 1 c return end c subroutine comprs common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c open(unit=40,status='unknown',file='') write(40,'(a)')'%!' write(40,'(a)')'/center {' write(40,'(a)')' dup stringwidth pop' write(40,'(a)')' 2 div neg 0 rmoveto' write(40,'(a)')'} bind def' write(40,'(a)')'/bdef {bind def} bind def' write(40,'(a)')'/ldef {load def} bdef' write(40,'(a)')'/d /stroke ldef /l /lineto ldef /m /moveto ldef' write(40,'(a)')'/c /sethsbcolor ldef /k /closepath ldef ' write(40,'(a)')'/f /fill ldef' ifrm=0 idsh=0 c return end c subroutine rearea(ww,hh) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c w=ww h=hh xx0=(612.0-72.0*w+36.0)/2.0 yy0=(792.0-72.0*4.0+36.0)/2.0+72.0*4.2 xx1=xx0+72.0*w yy1=yy0+72.0*h c return end c subroutine area2d(ww,hh) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c w=ww h=hh xx0=(612.0-72.0*w+36.0)/2.0 yy0=(792.0-72.0*h+36.0)/2.0 xx1=xx0+72.0*w yy1=yy0+72.0*h c return end c subroutine frame common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh ifrm=1 return end c subroutine graf2(xmin,delx,xmax,ymin,dely,ymax) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh eps=0.000001 c write(40,'(a)')'/Times-Roman findfont' write(40,'(a)')'14 scalefont' write(40,'(a)')'setfont' c ax=xx0-w*72.0*xmin/(xmax-xmin) bx=w*72.0/(xmax-xmin) ay=yy0-h*72.0*ymin/(ymax-ymin) by=h*72.0/(ymax-ymin) c mx=ifix(0.5+(xmax-xmin)/delx) xtick=xmin do 1 i=1,mx+1 xx=ax+bx*xtick yy=yy0+0.2*72.0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' yy=yy0+0.2*72.0+9.0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' l' write(40,'(a)')'d' yy=yy0+0.2*72.0+12.0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' jtick=ifix(alog10(abs(xtick)+eps)+eps) jtick=max(0,jtick) if( itick=ifix(xtick+0.5) else itick=ifix(xtick-0.5) jtick=jtick+1 end if c if(jtick.eq.0)write(40,3)itick if(jtick.eq.1)write(40,4)itick if(jtick.eq.2)write(40,5)itick if(jtick.eq.3)write(40,6)itick if(jtick.eq.4)write(40,7)itick c xtick=xtick+delx 1 continue c 3 format('(',i1,')',' center show') 4 format('(',i2,')',' center show') 5 format('(',i3,')',' center show') 6 format('(',i4,')',' center show') 7 format('(',i5,')',' center show') c return end c subroutine graf(xmin,delx,xmax,ymin,dely,ymax) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh eps=0.000001 c write(40,'(a)')'/Times-Roman findfont' write(40,'(a)')'14 scalefont' write(40,'(a)')'setfont' c ax=xx0-w*72.0*xmin/(xmax-xmin) bx=w*72.0/(xmax-xmin) ay=yy0-h*72.0*ymin/(ymax-ymin) by=h*72.0/(ymax-ymin) c mx=ifix(0.5+(xmax-xmin)/delx) xtick=xmin do 1 i=1,mx+1 xx=ax+bx*xtick yy=yy0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' yy=yy0-9.0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' l' write(40,'(a)')'d' yy=yy0-22.0 write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' jtick=ifix(alog10(abs(xtick)+eps)+eps) jtick=max(0,jtick) if( itick=ifix(xtick+0.5) else itick=ifix(xtick-0.5) jtick=jtick+1 end if if(jtick.eq.0)write(40,3)itick if(jtick.eq.1)write(40,4)itick if(jtick.eq.2)write(40,5)itick if(jtick.eq.3)write(40,6)itick if(jtick.eq.4)write(40,7)itick xtick=xtick+delx 1 continue c my=ifix(0.5+(ymax-ymin)/dely) ytick=ymin do 2 i=1,my+1 xx=xx0 yy=ay+by*ytick write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' xx=xx0-9.0 write(40,*)xx,yy,' l' write(40,'(a)')'d' xx=xx0-12.0 write(40,*)xx,yy,' m' jtick=ifix(alog10(abs(ytick)+eps)+eps) jtick=max(0,jtick) if( itick=ifix(ytick+0.5) else itick=ifix(ytick-0.5) jtick=jtick+1 end if write(40,'(a)')'90 rotate' if(jtick.eq.0)write(40,3)itick if(jtick.eq.1)write(40,4)itick if(jtick.eq.2)write(40,5)itick if(jtick.eq.3)write(40,6)itick if(jtick.eq.4)write(40,7)itick write(40,'(a)')'270 rotate' ytick=ytick+dely 2 continue c 3 format('(',i1,')',' center show') 4 format('(',i2,')',' center show') 5 format('(',i3,')',' center show') 6 format('(',i4,')',' center show') 7 format('(',i5,')',' center show') c return end c subroutine curve(x,y,n,icrv) real x(5000),y(5000) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c c Solid curve. c if(idsh.eq.0)then xx=ax+bx*x(1) yy=ay+by*y(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' do 1 i=2,n xx=ax+bx*x(i) yy=ay+by*y(i) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' l' 1 continue write(40,'(a)')'d' return end if c c Dashed curve. c s=0.0 dels=10.0 iblck=1 xx=ax+bx*x(1) yy=ay+by*y(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' xxold=xx yyold=yy c do 3 i=2,n xx=ax+bx*x(i) yy=ay+by*y(i) c 2 dx=xx-xxold dy=yy-yyold ds=sqrt(dx**2+dy**2) s=s+ds c if(s.le.dels)then xxold=xx yyold=yy if(iblck.eq.1)write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' l' go to 3 end if c frac=1.0-(s-dels)/ds xxold=xxold+frac*dx yyold=yyold+frac*dy c if(iblck.eq.1)then write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxold,yyold,' l' write(40,'(a)')'d' iblck=0 dels=3.0 c else iblck=1 dels=10.0 end if c write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxold,yyold,' m' s=0.0 go to 2 c 3 continue c if(iblck.eq.1)write(40,'(a)')'d' c return end c subroutine xname2(xchar) character xout*80,xchar*(*) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c xx=0.5*(xx0+xx1) yy=yy0+0.2*72.0+32.0 xout='('//xchar//') center show' write(40,'(a)')'/Times-Roman findfont' write(40,'(a)')'18 scalefont' write(40,'(a)')'setfont' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx, yy,' m' write(40,'(a)')xout c return end c subroutine xname(xchar) character xout*80,xchar*(*) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c xx=0.5*(xx0+xx1) yy=yy0-44.0 xout='('//xchar//') center show' write(40,'(a)')'/Times-Roman findfont' write(40,'(a)')'18 scalefont' write(40,'(a)')'setfont' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx, yy,' m' write(40,'(a)')xout c return end c subroutine yname(ychar) character yout*80,ychar*(*) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c xx=xx0-32.0 yy=0.5*(yy0+yy1) yout='('//ychar//') center show' write(40,'(a)')'/Times-Roman findfont' write(40,'(a)')'18 scalefont' write(40,'(a)')'setfont' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx, yy,' m' write(40,'(a)')'90 rotate' write(40,'(a)')yout write(40,'(a)')'270 rotate' c return end c subroutine dash common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh idsh=1-idsh return end c subroutine shade(xb,yb,nc,dum1,dum2,idum2,idum3,idum4) real xb(100),yb(100) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c xx=ax+bx*xb(1) yy=ay+by*yb(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' m' do 1 ic=2,nc xx=ax+bx*xb(ic) yy=ay+by*yb(ic) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx,yy,' l' 1 continue write(40,'(a)')'k f' c return end c subroutine thkcrv(thknss) write(40,*)thknss*72.0,' setlinewidth' return end c subroutine hwhsi(hue,sat,brt) write(40,'(3f5.2,a)')hue,sat,brt,' c' return end c c Construct contour curves. c subroutine contr(f,f0,xc,yc,nc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh real f(1000,1000),xc(4),yc(4) c c Draw the contour curve segments inside each rectangle. c do 2 i=1,ny-1 yy=float(i-1)*dy c do 1 j=1,nx-1 xx=float(j-1)*dx nc=0 c f1=f(i,j) f2=f(i+1,j) f3=f(i,j+1) f4=f(i+1,j+1) c det12=(f1-f0)*(f2-f0) det24=(f2-f0)*(f4-f0) det13=(f1-f0)*(f3-f0) det34=(f3-f0)*(f4-f0) c if(det13.le.0.0)then nc=nc+1 xc(nc)=xx+dx*(f0-f1)/(f3-f1) yc(nc)=yy end if c if(det34.le.0.0)then nc=nc+1 xc(nc)=xx+dx yc(nc)=yy+dy*(f0-f3)/(f4-f3) end if c if(det24.le.0.0)then nc=nc+1 xc(nc)=xx+dx*(f0-f2)/(f4-f2) yc(nc)=yy+dy end if c if(det12.le.0.0)then nc=nc+1 xc(nc)=xx yc(nc)=yy+dy*(f0-f1)/(f2-f1) end if c if( cnect(f,f1,f2,f3,f4,xc,yc,nc,dx,dy,xx,yy) c 1 continue 2 continue c return end c c Connect the contour points. c subroutine cnect(f,f1,f2,f3,f4,xc,yc,nc,dx,dy,xx,yy) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh real f(1000,1000),xc(4),yc(4) c if( xxc=ax+bx*xc(1) yyc=ay+by*yc(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' m' xxc=ax+bx*xc(2) yyc=ay+by*yc(2) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' l' write(40,'(a)')' d' return end if c c The saddle point case. c Approximate f(x,y) by a*x + b*y + c*x*y + d. c The mappings x = x(f0,y) and y = y(f0,x) are c singular at y = -a/c and x = -b/c. c b=(xx+dx)*(f2-f1)-xx*(f4-f3) c=f1-f2-f3+f4 xsng=-b/c det=(xc(1)-xsng)*(xc(2)-xsng) c if( xxc=ax+bx*xc(1) yyc=ay+by*yc(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' m' xxc=ax+bx*xc(4) yyc=ay+by*yc(4) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' l' write(40,'(a)')' d' xxc=ax+bx*xc(2) yyc=ay+by*yc(2) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' m' xxc=ax+bx*xc(3) yyc=ay+by*yc(3) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' l' write(40,'(a)')' d' c else xxc=ax+bx*xc(1) yyc=ay+by*yc(1) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' m' xxc=ax+bx*xc(2) yyc=ay+by*yc(2) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' l' write(40,'(a)')' d' xxc=ax+bx*xc(3) yyc=ay+by*yc(3) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' m' xxc=ax+bx*xc(4) yyc=ay+by*yc(4) write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xxc,yyc,' l' write(40,'(a)')' d' end if c return end c c Color between the contours. c subroutine kolor(f,fa,fb,xc,yc,nx,ny,xmin,ymin,dx,dy,ihue) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh real f(1000,1000),xc(100),yc(100) integer iab(100) c do 6 i=1,ny-1 yy=float(i-1)*dy c do 5 j=1,nx-1 xx=float(j-1)*dx c call sides(f,f1,f2,f3,f4,fa,fb,i,j,xc,yc,xx,yy,dx,dy, > nc,iab) c if( to 5 c if(( call shade(xc,yc,nc,90.0,0.0,1,0,0) go to 5 end if c c Saddle points are possible for nc > 5. c do 1 ic=1,nc xc(8+ic)=xc(ic) yc(8+ic)=yc(ic) 1 continue c jc=0 kc=1 isadl=0 2 jc=jc+1 xc(jc)=xc(8+kc) yc(jc)=yc(8+kc) kc=kc+1 if( to 3 if((iab(kc).eq.0).or.(iab(kc).ne.iab(jc)))go to 2 c xc1=xc(jc) xc2=xc(kc) call ksadl(f1,f2,f3,f4,xx,yy,dx,dy,det,xc1,xc2) if( to 2 isadl=kc if(iab(kc+1).eq.0)then kc=kc+3 else kc=kc+4 end if if( to 2 3 call shade(xc,yc,jc,90.0,0.0,1,0,0) c if( jc=nc-jc kc=isadl do 4 ic=1,jc xc(ic)=xc(8+kc) yc(ic)=yc(8+kc) kc=kc+1 4 continue call shade(xc,yc,jc,90.0,0.0,1,0,0) end if c 5 continue 6 continue c return end c c Sort out the saddles for coloring. c subroutine ksadl(f1,f2,f3,f4,xx,yy,dx,dy,det,xc1,xc2) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c b=(xx+dx)*(f2-f1)-xx*(f4-f3) c=f1-f2-f3+f4 xsng=-b/c det=(xc1-xsng)*(xc2-xsng) c return end c c Obtain the nodal points on each side. c subroutine sides(f,f1,f2,f3,f4,fa,fb,i,j,xc,yc,xx,yy,dx,dy, > nc,iab) real f(1000,1000),xc(100),yc(100) integer iab(100) c nc=0 f1=f(i,j) f2=f(i+1,j) f3=f(i,j+1) f4=f(i+1,j+1) c det=(f1-fa)*(f1-fb) if(det.le.0.0)then icrn1=1 nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=0 xc(nc)=xx yc(nc)=yy end if c deta=(f1-fa)*(f3-fa) detb=(f1-fb)*(f3-fb) if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=1 xc(nc)=xx+dx*abs((fa-f1)/(f3-f1)) yc(nc)=yy end if if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=2 xc(nc)=xx+dx*abs((fb-f1)/(f3-f1)) yc(nc)=yy end if if(( if(xc(nc-1).gt.xc(nc))then temp=xc(nc-1) itemp=iab(nc-1) xc(nc-1)=xc(nc) iab(nc-1)=iab(nc) xc(nc)=temp iab(nc)=itemp end if end if c det=(f3-fa)*(f3-fb) if(det.le.0.0)then icrn3=1 nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=0 xc(nc)=xx+dx yc(nc)=yy end if c deta=(f3-fa)*(f4-fa) detb=(f3-fb)*(f4-fb) if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=1 xc(nc)=xx+dx yc(nc)=yy+dy*abs((fa-f3)/(f4-f3)) end if if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=2 xc(nc)=xx+dx yc(nc)=yy+dy*abs((fb-f3)/(f4-f3)) end if if(( if(yc(nc-1).gt.yc(nc))then temp=yc(nc-1) itemp=iab(nc-1) yc(nc-1)=yc(nc) iab(nc-1)=iab(nc) yc(nc)=temp iab(nc)=itemp end if end if c det=(f4-fa)*(f4-fb) if(det.le.0.0)then icrn4=1 nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=0 xc(nc)=xx+dx yc(nc)=yy+dy end if c deta=(f4-fa)*(f2-fa) detb=(f4-fb)*(f2-fb) if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=1 xc(nc)=xx+dx*abs((fa-f2)/(f4-f2)) yc(nc)=yy+dy end if if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=2 xc(nc)=xx+dx*abs((fb-f2)/(f4-f2)) yc(nc)=yy+dy end if if(( if(xc(nc-1).lt.xc(nc))then temp=xc(nc-1) itemp=iab(nc-1) xc(nc-1)=xc(nc) iab(nc-1)=iab(nc) xc(nc)=temp iab(nc)=itemp end if end if c det=(f2-fa)*(f2-fb) if(det.le.0.0)then icrn2=1 nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=0 xc(nc)=xx yc(nc)=yy+dy end if c deta=(f1-fa)*(f2-fa) detb=(f1-fb)*(f2-fb) if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=1 xc(nc)=xx yc(nc)=yy+dy*abs((fa-f1)/(f2-f1)) end if if( nc=nc+1 iab(nc)=1 xc(nc)=xx yc(nc)=yy+dy*abs((fb-f1)/(f2-f1)) end if if(( if(yc(nc-1).lt.yc(nc))then temp=yc(nc-1) itemp=iab(nc-1) yc(nc-1)=yc(nc) iab(nc-1)=iab(nc) yc(nc)=temp iab(nc)=itemp end if end if c return end c subroutine endpl(iplot) common w,h,xx0,yy0,xx1,yy1,ax,bx,ay,by,ifrm,idsh c if(ifrm.eq.1)then write(40,'(a)')'2.5 setlinewidth' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx0,yy0,' m' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx1,yy0,' l' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx1,yy1,' l' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx0,yy1,' l' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx0,yy0,' l' write(40,'(2f6.1,a)')xx1,yy0,' l' write(40,'(a)')'d' write(40,'(a)')'1 setlinewidth' end if c return end c subroutine donepl write(40,'(a)')'showpage' return end